● 저널 소개
본 연구소에서 공식적으로 발행하는 영문 저널 Journal of Central Eurasian Studies (JCES)은 중앙유라시아에 대한 새로운 연구 중 다양한 분야에서 일궈낸 독창적이며 학제적 연구 성과를 출판하고 있습니다. JCES는 중앙유라시아 고고학, 미술사, 역사, 인류학, 종교뿐 아니라 지역 연구와 경제, 사회, 환경 등 연관 분야의 논문을 투고 받고 있으며 2009년 창간호를 발행하였습니다.
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● 편집위원
– Nicola Di Cosmo (Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton University) – Xingguo Han (Director, Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology) – Richard Salomon (Department of Asian Languages and Literature, University of Washington) – Tadashi Suzuki (Tokyo University) – 김호동 (서울대학교 동양사학과) – 박수진 (서울대학교 지리학과) – 이도원 (서울대학교 환경계획과) – 이주형 (서울대학교 고고미술사학과) – 이은정 (서울대학교 동양사학과) |
● 각 권별 목차
Vol. 1
1. On the Peripheries of Civilizations: The Evolution of a Visual Tradition in Gandhāra – Juhyung Rhi 2. The Unity of the Mongol Empire and Continental Exchanges over Eurasia – Hodong Kim 3. The Manchu Conquest in World-Historical Perspective: A Note on Trade and Silver – Nicola Di Cosmo 4. Basic Features of Eurasianism (Classical and New) in the Russophone World and the Meaning of Asia in Its Discourses – Jeong-Sook Hahn 5. James Milward, Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007) – David Brophy 6. Anne F. Broadbridge, Kingship and Ideology in the Islamic and Mongol Worlds (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008) – Michal Biran 7. David Sneath, The Headless State: Aristocratic Orders, Kinship Society, & Misrepresentations of Nomadic Inner Asia (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007) – Johan Elverskog |
Vol. 2
1. Trade and Tribute along the Silk Road before the Third Century A.D. – Byung-Joon Kim 2. Aspects of Sogdian Trading Activities under the Western Turkic State and the Tang Empire – Arakawa Masaharu 3. Maritime Interactions between China and India: Coastal India and the Ascendancy of Chinese Maritime Power in the Indian Ocean – Tansen Sen 4. The Development of the Junghars and the Role of Bukharan Merchants – Onuma Takahiro 5. Johan Elverskog, Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010) – Alexandre Papas 6. Rudi Paul Lindner, Explorations in Ottoman Prehistory (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2007) – Linda T. Darling 7. David Robinson, Empire’s Twilight: Northeast Asia under the Mongols (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2009) – Myungmi Lee |
Vol. 3
1. The Nomadic Element in the Kushan Empire(1st-3rd Century AD) – Frantz Grenet 2. From Barbarians to the Middle Kingdom: The Rise of the Title “Emperor, Heavenly Qaghan” and its Significance – Han-je Park 3. Koryo-Khitan Relations and Khitan Cultural Influence in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries – Peter Yun 4. Kitan Migrations in Eurasia(10th-14th Centuries) – Michal Biran 5. Mongolian Migration and the Ming’s Place in Eurasia – David M. Robinson 6. Iftikhar Dadi, Modernism and the Art of Muslim South Africa (Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, 2010) – Hawon Ku 7. Douglas E. Streusand, Islamic Gunpowder Empires: Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals (Boulder: Westview Press, 2011) – Eunjeong Yi |